
Thanks for visiting my blog. My posts will be mainly about gardening here in beautiful Spring Valley, Minnesota! After starting gardening here in 2008, I found that I was lacking knowledge in this topic. I decided to take the core horticulture course through the University of Minnesota in the late winter and spring of 2010. As a result of this class and continued volunteer work, I am now in my second year as a Master Gardener. I am still learning and probably will be for years to come. As I research and learn about gardening topics, I will post here. I hope you will find use for this information as I post. Please feel free to contact my with questions or post your comments. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Compost Junkie

I have to come to grips with this - I just love composting.  It's amazing to me how it adds up.  My gallon bucket fills up within two days.  And during the winter, when the compost bin in the yard only piles up and doesn't decompose, it builds into a mountain!

Anymore, I have a hard time throwing anything away that can be composted.  When I was at work today, I put a banana peel in my laptop bag to bring home for the bin.  It also makes me wonder where all the compostable trash from the cafeteria goes.

When I was in grade school, we had a gym teacher who was also a farmer.  The cafeteria ladies saved him all the food waste for his hogs.  I wonder if there is any sorting of the trash here... 

There are many benefits to composting.  Obviously, there is a reduction in waste going to the landfill.  The result of composting is a rich soil that provides natural nutrition when added to flower and vegetable beds.  The EPA has a good list of benefits at http://www.epa.gov/osw/conserve/rrr/composting/benefits.htm.

Also, the University of Minnesota has a good article about basic composting at http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/horticulture/DG3899.html.

Back to my issue - I need to remember to take the banana peel from my bag before it decomposes there.