
Thanks for visiting my blog. My posts will be mainly about gardening here in beautiful Spring Valley, Minnesota! After starting gardening here in 2008, I found that I was lacking knowledge in this topic. I decided to take the core horticulture course through the University of Minnesota in the late winter and spring of 2010. As a result of this class and continued volunteer work, I am now in my second year as a Master Gardener. I am still learning and probably will be for years to come. As I research and learn about gardening topics, I will post here. I hope you will find use for this information as I post. Please feel free to contact my with questions or post your comments. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Here is a quick post regarding poinsettias.  Take a look at this University of Illinois Extension site - it's loaded with information on poinsettias!


Take this new knowledge and enjoy the season!!